1. El pasado miércoles 25 de enero se llevó a cabo el SME Power Lunch en el Hotel Intercontinental en Isla Verde. Al mismo asisitieron como conferenciantes Dana Montenegro de Seriously Creative y Josian Alustiza de Badillo Nazca Saachi & Saachi para explicarnos los 2012 Consumer Trends to Watch. El señor Dana Montenegro explicó sobre las tendencias que existen y como las personas y marcas se han ido adaptando para crear un sentido de humanización y emoción en el cuál el cliente también forma parte del valor de la marca.

    Tal como lo dijo Josian Alustiza, “el 2012 será el año de storytelling” Aquí les incluyo las 9 tendencias del consumidor para este año.

    Tendencia #1: La sostificación de las estrategias digitales – Kia y Youtube ya están utilizandolas

    Tendencia #2: La descentralización de las redes sociales". La estan utilizando desde Coca-Cola hasta Dell

    Tendencia #3: "User Generated Context

    Tendencia #4- La personalización: A mi medida Desde los '70 Burger King la ha realizado

    Tendencia #5: Brand Journalism- Las marcas actuando como medios

    Tendencia #6- La fusión offline/online. La linea que separa lo digital de lo real cada dia se hace más pequeña

    Tendencia #7: Gamificación . "Playtime y lo hemos visto con angry birds, Foursquare y los que saben de los badges

    Tendencia #8: Más vida móvil

    Tendencia #9: Las experiencias multisensoriales

    Además Josian nos explica como en el 2012 se van a utilizar tantos QR Codes que casi será un abuso de esta herramienta. A esto añade que hay tres elementos que describen el comportamiento móvil; contexto, conveniencia y diversión.


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  2. emotional intelligence: a group of five skills that enable the best leaders to maximize their own and their followers' performance.

    1. self awareness: knowing one's strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and impact on others.
    2. self regulation- controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses and moods
    3. motivation- relishing achievement for its own sake
    4. empathy- understanding other people's emotional makeup
    5. social skill- building rapport with others to move them in desired directions
    We can strengthen this abilities through persistence, practice, and feedback from colleagues and coaches.

    In his research at nearly 200 large, global companies, Goleman found that while the qualities traditionally associated with leadership (intelligence, toughness, determination, vision) are required for success, they are insufficient. Truly effective leaders are also distinguished by a high degree of emotional intelligence, which includes self awareness, self- regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills

    The most effective leaders are alike in a crucial way: "They all have a high degree of what has to come to be known as emotional intelligence." Daniel Goleman


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  3. I recently finished reading Dan Seidman’s book “Sales Autopsy”. I definitely recommend this book. The ‘lingo’and approach he uses to exemplify the worst sales situations brings out good humor without underestimating and missing out what he has to teach. Some of the key highlights that I got from his book are:
    "Wisdom is: You must disqualify prospects as early in the sales process as possible. By doing so, you qualify the rest as deserving your attention and energy"

    “Life is getting too fast”

    1. Being in a hurry is not always a good idea when working in sales pitches
    2. We can’t enjoy TV and relax anymore. Our clients and prospects want us to get quickly to the point. We rush to sell and mistakes happen

    Problem #1 Disqualify prospects quickly
    Identify perfect fit= HR peeps
    “qualify the best, disqualify the rest””
    “Don’t get better and you don’t get money”
    “don’t get money and you are fired

    Criteria for identifying the ideal customer:

    1. Do they have money to spend?
    2. Is there some urgency to solve the problem you address?
    3. Will they give you the time to have a serious conversation about helping them?
    4. Are you dealing directly with the actual decisionmaker?
    5. When will the decision be made?

    Steps to disqualifying bad prospects:
    1. determine the perfect customer profile
    2. write a list of questions to ask in order to find if they fit
    3. turn your back on those who don't fit
    Two lessons gathered from the 800-pound lie of Guerilla Marketing:
    1. Market to the perfect prospect
    2. Bring to the party the ability to close them

    The Change Formula:
    C=D x V x F > S

    People will Change (C) once they

    1. are aware of their Dissatisfaction (D) or frustration with their current situation;
    2. are given a Vision (V) for what the future could look and feel like
    3. are offered the First Steps (F) to transition that vision and
    4. realize that the Dissatisfaction, Vision, and First Steps are greater than their Status Quo (S) or their current situation

    The biggest takeaway from this book: "Your life is meant to touch others. We are all meant to connect and contribute to the earthly experience of people we work with, live with, sell to.....BE A BLESSING"

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  4. Cancer touches the lives of many families worldwide everyday. Most of the times, individuals focus on the disease rather than enjoying life and the time they can spend with their love ones. Some get frustrated, other depressed but a very few just face it as a challenge, a countdown or and adventure.

    "Life is too precious and short that I wanted to make a difference no one had made before, I wanted to be that inspiration" ….. "its not about clothes, and shoes... its about having a chance to live" – Sean Swarner

    I had the opportunity to meet and spend some time with the first cancer survivor to climb the Mount Everest, Sean Swarner. It wasn’t until I heard him speak at the Sales & Marketing Conference that was held last week at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Isla Verde, Puerto Rico that my perception of life changed drastically.

    Listening to Sean talking about how he lived his early teenage years with a huge shadow next to him being his cancer to which he refers to as: “"Cancer has developed who I am now but that doesn't me it defines me". At the age of 13, he told his mom “If its all I have it has been a wonderful life”. Those words made my eyes watery and I made an automatic flashback of the best memories I had in those years and the things I used to complain about.

    Sean is a double cancer survivor and the first to have both cancers. He passed through Hodkings disease at the age of 13 when he had it in stage 4 through an accident he had playing basketball. Two years later, at the age of 15, while going to a yearly checkup, doctors discovered Askins cancer like the size of a golf ball in one of his lungs. Doctors then diagnosed Sean with 6% of living probability and to weeks of life.

    Sean kept his talk until a point where he refers to his cancers as: "Surviving these diseases is like winning the lottery 4 times with the same numbers" "I just didn't survived, I thrived " . Its pretty obvious that persistence and determination plus the willingness to get out of cancer the key elements that motivated Sean Swarner. For Sean, the world impossible is not part of his book of life. I know many of us have said that before but he truly exemplified it when on May 16,2002 Sean Swarner was the first cancer survivor to be on top of the world in Mount Everest. He has done the other 6 highest peeks of the world . Now, he wants to go to the North & a South pole and participate in the Hawaii Triathlon .

    A little piece of advice from Sean:"If you wanna live longer, you need to fall from the right side", he adds: "If you want to make a change see the man in the mirror like Michael Jackson". Finally Sean explains:"We shouldn't worry about dying cause is something that will happen to everyone but we should worry about having a life that matters"

    At the age of 36, he has lived twice (18 years) more of what anyone expected. After listening and watching all the pictures and videos Sean brought with him, I can define him as inspiring, determined, passionate, a fighter, hansome and my motivation from now on.

    I truly encourage everyone to help Sean Swarner build the moving cancer climbing camp:http://cancerclimber.org/ so he can continue with his mission of touching & changing the lives of all the cancer victims worldwide

    He survived 2 diseases . He climbs for cancer . He lives to inspire


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  5. According to Bruce Turkel, these are the seven key elements for a perfect branding:

    Rule #1: Its all about them, not you

    Rule #2: Hearts then Minds= Emotions. "Forget the facts and be truthful"

    Rule #3: Make It Simple
    example: Walmart "Always low prices", Volvo- safety, "Volvo for life", Paris "City of Lights" NYC "I <3 NY", Vegas "Stays here"

    Rule #4: Make It Quick

    Rule #5: Make It Yours "They don't buy what you make, they buy who you are"

    Rule #6: Use the five senses- be sensual

    Rule #7: Repeat, repeat, repeat - REPETITION = New messages for the same story

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  6. Many college students are always looking for ways to get themselves out of college as soon as possible. I got to say, I was one of them, I started my college life in Puerto Rico for a semester to then transfer to Boston. As soon as I started at Emerson College I was so excited and passionate about all the things that I was learning that without knowing it I was just rushing my college years. I took summer every year and I was able to graduate in December 2010. Yeah, I know? Cool right? Saving some money for my parents? As much as I need to agree that all of that is true, there are some downturns to it. Is nice not having classes, homework, tests or projects to do but the real test comes. That test is the challenge from being a college student, having some independence but still relying on your parents to having complete ownership of your life and actions as well as looking for a job.

    In this economy, its really hard to find a full time job in something that really makes you passionate and specially in Marketing since so many people want to be in the industry and budgets are being cut off. The tsunami in Japan added to that list of downturns that in some way or the other are affecting the economy. The world is acting crazy lately and so the population. For the past to months, I have been one of the lucky ones to be employed but the bad part of it is that it was a temporary job. At first I took it as a hobby and a challenge hoping to get a full time position at this biotech in Cambridge MA. For those that know me, I tend to be extremely hard working, detail oriented and passionate about my job. As all of this came reality, I was spending 40 hours a week at the office, putting as many extra hours as I could and learning by the second. After a month and a half when I saw no progress what so ever in turning this opportunity to a full time position, I got somewhat depressed for a few weeks and started to question myself. In addition to that I wasn’t happy with where I was standing in my life and this got reflected in my relationship with my boyfriend and my friends.
    It was until that moment when I sat down to reflect and think about successful and happy memories in my life and why the bad memories had happened. I got some post its and started labeling different things that distinguished me, others for my goals in a year, three years and in five years (personal and professionally) and how I wanted to accomplished them. I decided for once to take time for myself for a bit and went for a mani and pedi. I had read somewhere that if you look good you will feel good. Yeah, you may be thinking this is some type of Sex and the City chick flick blog post but is the reality of my life. Soon I had four job interviews scheduled in NYC, one of my favorite cities of all times and where some of my best college friends are. Confused, nervous yet excited I started to prepare myself for the game; the game of life and life goals. I was then when my fortune cookie ‘strawberry’ word read: “Hear with your ears but listen with your heart”. I stopped for a second and realized the little hint that was just in front of me. New York has been my dream; my goal a while ago as a place to succeed professionally and Boston was a place to prepare myself academically for that professionalism. I love Boston and I have many memories there with people I love but my heart tells me to move on, to go where the challenge is and don’t stop myself for anyone, not even a boyfriend because things will fall into place once I have fallen into place. Yes, being personally happy comes first but it goes hand in hand with becoming successful. Let’s be real, life is about struggles and obstacles and surpassing them with support and love from the ones we care about so in this case they need to see what my dreams and hopes in life are. That’s why that morning before heading to NYC for my interviews I ate some good luck strawberries, plus I love strawberries!

    I want to tell all the college students not to rush themselves to graduation. Everything will come at its appropriate time. Work hard for your dreams and pursue all your goals without regretting any steps in the way. I don’t regret anything I have done, I just learned from it and if I could go back I would have change some things. Real life cannot be compared to anything that anyone can tell you, there is no book to learn how to deal with it, it is just a matter of time and learning from experience. Follow your strawberry (my fortune cookie word) and listen to your heart but hear what others have to say about it to. It’s just a matter of balancing more.

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  7. Introduction

    Every year around 56 million people die worldwide. Until the beginning of 2010, US deaths equaled 2,423,712. The three main causes of deaths worldwide are: Ischemic heart disease, celebrovascular disease and lower respiratory infections while in US are heart diseases, cancer and strokes. It is noticeable that most of the deaths result from heart related issues formed from the fast paced environment that is constantly changing in which millennial societies are living in.

    Pharmaceuticals are extremely aware of this death numbers and they are trying to commit to help individuals have a better quality of life. Novartis is definitely one of such pharmaceuticals that are constantly seeking opportunities to improve for more research and development initiatives.

    Novartis comes from the Latin word "novae" "artes" meaning "new skills." The term reflects the company's commitment to research and development that brings innovative new products to the communities it serves. Novartis has been increasingly changing and improving their operations to better work in the creation of vaccines and drug research. The pharmaceutical has strived to get more advanced technology with new innovative tools and techniques in correlation with their science discoveries.

    In this paper, you will find an analysis of the pharmaceutical Novartis starting with its history, current situation, and future outcomes. In addition, a breakdown of Novartis based on the management terms discussed in class (Trends, Social Forces, Change, Staffing, Communications, Motivation, Politics, Conflict, Management Styles, Ethics, Social, Environment, Careers, Stress and Management Ideologies)


    Novartis was created in December 1996 from a merger of Sandoz and Ciba Geigy forming the world’s largest health care company with approximately 100, 000 associates in 140 countries worldwide. Novartis truly works to deliver its mission:

    “We want to discover, develop and successfully market innovative products to prevent and cure diseases, to ease suffering and to enhance the quality of life. We also want to provide a shareholder return that reflects outstanding performance and to adequately reward those who invest ideas and work in our company.”

    By the use of their mission, Novartis has helped million of individuals have a better lifestyle every year.Since 1996 until 2001, Novartis and AstraZeneca formed Syngenta, antiviral products. In addition, that year Novartis formed part of the New York Stock Market. That same year, Novartis Institute for Functional genomics is formed and the pharmaceutical announces an agreement to acquire Merck’s crop protection business.

    In 2002, Novartis increases 1/3 of the voting shares in its investment in Roche Holding AG. The Association of British Foods acquires Food & Beverage Unit as part of a decision by Novartis to divest the Health & Functional Food Business. Moreover, Novartis unifies and strengthens its global research network forming the Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research in US

    In 2003, Novartis started to gain interest in Idenix Pharma as part of their antiviral expansion strategy. Later in 2004, Novartis Institute of Tropical Disease opens in Singapore to conduct biomedical research for dengue fever and tuberculosis. That same year, Novartis acquired the Danish firm Durascan A/S from AstraZeneca and Holdings of Canada. Furthermore, Novartis submitted Xolair, a drug for asthma treatment, for EU approval and was approved in 2005. During 2005, Novartis and Alnylam Pharma create an alliance focused on the discovery of innovative therapies based on RNA iterance (a silencing disease cause in genes). That same year Novartis acquires the OTC Brand portfolio from Bristol Myers Squibb in North America to emphasize its strong brand names.

    The year 2006 was highlighted by successful Research and Development efforts for the pharmaceutical. During this year, Novartis opened the Strategic Biomedical Center for Research and Development in Shanghai, China. At the same time, Novartis Institute of Tropical Diseases was researching Malaria in a partnership with WHO (World Health Organization) to create a Coartem treatment. Also, the US Department of Health and Human Services granted 220million contract to build a cell vaccinated.

    Through 2007, Novartis enhances vaccines through partnerships with Intercell (Austria Pharma that develops and designs vaccines for infectious diseases). This year, Novartis ranked #1 as “World’s Most Admired Companies” by Fortune Magazine. This same year Novartis starts to focus on Healthcare initiatives with the Gerber Medical Nutrition Business Units with Nestle for 5.5 and 2.5 million USD. Also, NITD opens in Indonesia. A new drug, Tukturnal/ Rasilez for high blood pressure is approved in EU and US.

    In 2008, Novartis signed an agreement with Nestle SA for Alcon. In addition, the pharmaceutical opens a new research center in Siena, Italy. Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health, the new research center, will focus in development of new nonprofit vaccines. Gleevec/Glivec is the first US FDA approved treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumor surgery. This year was highlighted by the 20% reduction for the anti malaria Coartem treatment reaching 70 million treatments. On June 4,2008, Novartis bought Protez for 400 million to develop the antibiotic PZ601 to for MSRA. In addition, Novartis will pay from $100-$300 extra for the antibiotic success. On July 10,2008, Novartis increased from 10% to a 51% its business with Speedel for $880 million for the Tekturna high blood pressure drug.

    That same year, Novartis received several recognitions. First, Novartis is categorized as the health care super sector leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Second, the pharmaceutical is recognized “World’s Most Ethical Companies” in the Ethisphere Institute. Moreover, it is recognized one of the Top 20 “World’s Most Respected” companies in Barron’s Magazine.

    Novartis focused in saving lives in 2009. During this year, the 250th treatment of Coartem, which the pharmaceutical started to implement in 2001 and until this year, has saved 750,000 lives in 60 malaria endemic countries. Furthermore, Novartis was the first to produce H1N1 vaccines in their development center in Holly Springs, North Carolina. There was a one billion investment in China to build the largest Pharmaceutical Research and Development Institute. Moreover, the pill Prevacid 24 hour was launched marking one of the biggest Rx to OTC switch in US. On May 20, 2009, Novartis acquired the cancer drug division of Ebewe Pharmaceutical for $1.2 billion. This year, the total revenues equaled 44.3 billion.

    Novartis bulk of sales is concentrated in cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The pharmaceutical business segments are concentrated in four main categories. First, is the Pharmaceutical Division with 65% of sales to a total of $28.5 billion in 2009. Second, are the generic efforts from Sandoz that equal a 17% of sales totaled to $7.49 billion. Third, is the Consumer Health with 13% of sales resulting in $5.81 billion. Finally, Vaccines and Diagnosis with 6% of sales resulting in $2.4 billion.

    "Novartis has leading businesses in fast growing segments of health care, and by focusing on our strategic priorities we are well positioned to succeed in a rapidly changing health care environment," said Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis. (Novartis Newsroom 1) "Novartis remains committed to the core strategy of focused diversification in high-growth health care segments. We are leveraging our core competencies in scientific discovery and development to continue driving innovation, growth and productivity across the businesses”, Jimenez added. (Novartis Newsroom 2)

    Novartis received many awards in 2009. The pharmaceutical first received Universum's World's Most Attractive Employers ranking on the top 50 most powerful employer brands. That same year, Novartis was part of the PharmaVOICE’s Top 100 List that recognizes the 100 most inspiring individuals in the life-sciences industry and Daniel Vasella from Novartis became one of those. Novartis received a double recognition in the “World's Most Innovative Companies” list by Fast Company magazine. Novartis listed as No. 8 on the overall company list, and No. 1 on the biotechnology sector list.

    Current Situation of Novartis

    a. Overview

    Novartis is a growing business in the healthcare, eye care, generics, vaccines & diagnosis, and consumer health. With a global vision, Novartis is actively present in EU, US, Asia, India and Latin America markets. The pharmaceutical started the year with a new CEO, Joseph Jimenez, and Dr. Daniel Vasella as Chairman of the Board of Directors working with strategy. In January 4, 2010, Novartis raised ownership with the eye care product, Alcon to 77% in a 49.8 billion deal to control 70% of the entire eye care sector after the merger. Novartis proposed to complete purchase of majority stake in Alcon by the end of the year to strengthen the pharmaceutical health care portfolio and provide greater access to this new sector.

    Up to the third quarter of the year, Novartis sales have increased 13% from 2009 to a total of 12.3 billion. This past November, Novartis unveiled a long-term strategy to grow in a dynamically changing health care environment. The company is investing in new treatments for cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

    b. Marketing

    Ad Age ranks Novartis #68 in 2010 Advertising Expenditure with $516.3 million spend. This past November, the pharmaceutical received the Agora Awards for Advocacy Marketing from the PhilippinesMarketing Association.

    “This award will inspire us to work even harder in implementing our key advocacies in partnership with the government and private sector stakeholders. Through our access and R&D initiatives, we are committed to helping improve the quality of life of Filipinos,” said Novartis Healthcare Philippines CPO head and country president Eric van Oppens, during the 2010 Agora Awards Night in Makati City.

    Novartis marketing efforts are driven by geographical relocation and focusing on the advertisement of special medicine. The pharmaceutical wants to increase their present in the fast- growing markets of China, Russia, Brazil and India. Novartis is expecting 30 regulatory submissions in pharmaceuticals by the end of 2012. Moreover, Novartis specialty and oncology portfolio will make up more than 75% of the sales by 2015, up 10% from what it is currently.

    c. Workplace

    Novartis engages in communication through Public Relations, Media Relations, Employee communication, electronic communication, government relations and investor relations. The pharmaceutical uses a formal style of communication with presentations, awards and team meetings. In addition, the pharmaceutical uses a vertical- rule bases style with a bureaucratic leadership style as a result of the government and FDA regulations.

    d. Management

    There are several forces behind managing Novartis. Some of these forces are: education, technology, government systems, Internet and globalization. Education is crucial to enter the workplace in this industry and throughout the years working in the field. As more discoveries are made, more training is needed for the employees. Learning more and getting trained is a recurrent activity within the industry. Similarly, technology is an ongoing field that is constantly being improved. Being in such an evolving field, which is based on research and development, pharmaceuticals need to stay on top of all the latest technological advancements so they can benefit from them. Moreover, the Internet and globalization go together. The Internet has revolutionized the world of communications and how information is spread worldwide. As a consequence, by using the Internet people and companies are becoming globalized by the constant exchange of information in the web. Novartis is not the exception, they take advantage of the Internet by providing information about drugs to their consumers and they also exchange information with importers overseas. On the other hand, government systems are the ones that regulate pharmaceuticals and therefore demand that all procedures all properly managed.

    Moreover, Novartis can fit into two management ideologies; role and task oriented. Novartis is a role oriented in the way that they are preoccupied about legal procedures and are monitored by hierarchical structures. Most of the time, pharmaceuticals are in a stable environment and are slow adapting to new ideas.However, Novartis can also be task driven because their main goal is to achieve the highest value focusing on the task of testing and manufacturing drugs. This type of organizational ideology deals with authority that derives from knowledge and competence from the different companies that are in the market. As more discoveries come into their hands, more responsive to change the company become as an element of that task ideological factor.

    Today, management is situational oriented based off consent and joint. In addition, there is a huge movement on mentoring programs and fast, heavy on results project management initiatives. Furthermore, managers are focusing more on strategy, tactics and operations like social media to achieve short-term results. Novartis is one of the companies that truly rely on project management initiatives to achieve success.

    Babe Ruth says: “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual starts in the world, but if thy don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” As of September 2010, Novartis has been operating through a project management framework with the formation of teams. This framework integrates a four-step process of initiation, strategy & planning, execution and closure. The initiation step is where the team structure and membership is created as well as the formation of the purpose and goals for the specific project. Moreover, the metrics and project deliverables are also present. This is the step where the boundaries, agreements, roles, responsibilities and discoveries are established. There are several communication skills that are essential in this step of the process. These skills are: listening, communicating, team norms, leadership development, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for decision-making.

    The second step in this framework is the strategy and planning. During this stage, the risk and scope management are created as well as developing a schedule for what and when needs to be accomplish to finish the project with the critical path decision process. Finally, is the stakeholder management that is responsible of the communications plan and the functional alignment. To be successful in this step, you need to have a certain level of trust, collaboration, cooperation, and innovation tools and to be able to contribute in decision-making. As part of this step, employees need to be part of strategy workshops to better understand the process.

    The third step is the project execution. In this step, the project deliverables are executed and the project progress is being monitored. This is the step where issues are identified, revoked and the recommended changes are performed. Moreover, employees will need new approvals if the execution is out of scope from the original. Finally, the team needs to communicate the progress to the sponsor and the customer. The skills present here are: regulatory training, drug development training, negotiation, protocols with ongoing feedback and meeting effectiveness.

    The last step of the process is the project transition and closing. In this step, is crucial to the teams because it provides feedback, lessons learned, and knowledge of the transfer. Moreover, the project impact its measured and the teams celebrate their work together. The main skills here are the lessons learned and any recommendations for improvement that there could be.

    Crisis Management

    In 2004, Novartis was filed on a lawsuit from Amy Velez and four others about discrimination in pay, promotion and for pregnancy within the pharmaceutical. This lawsuit was made on behalf 5,600 women that were part of a sex bias back in July 15,2002. In September 2010, Novartis accepted to pay $152.5 million for a sex bias settlement. From that number, $60 million will go to the class and $40 million for damages. In addition, Novartis will be responsible for paying $13.4 million in damages to the 12 affected women. As a solution, Novartis will start to implement measures to protect female from this incidents in a future turnaround.


    Novartis has an obligation to provide accurate information and education about their products to consumers and healthcare professionals. The pharmaceutical adheres to the principles of ethical business in their Code of Conduct, Corporate Citizenship Policy and Guidelines. Novartis associates are guided by the specific standards for marketing activities set out in the Novartis Pharma Principles and Practices for Professionals updated in 2008.

    The basic ethical principles are: Promotional practices must be consistent with patients' benefit, must be ethical and must be in good taste. Second, the information provided must take account of customer needs and must be based on product information. Product information has to be approved by the local authority, derived from the approved Basic Product Information. Third, an event sponsorship must be clearly disclosed and the primary objective of a meeting must be scientific in nature. Fourth, hospitality must be appropriate, in good taste consistent with local practices and secondary to the main purpose of the meeting. Fifth, the gifts must be modest and relevant to the practice of medicine. Sixth, the personal incentives to prescribe are prohibited. Seventh, the samples must be handled with the prime objective of familiarizing the customer. Eighth, sales representatives must have appropriate training and product knowledge. Finally, compensation for healthcare professionals must be provided only for actual, reasonable and necessary services.

    Novartis has developed ethics training for their employees to get them familiarized with the policies and procedures. "Novartis Land", an online training program offering the learner the opportunity to interactively explore the policies and answer questions in a dialogue-role play setting. First the employee interacts with 3D characters found in a variety of buildings that make up Novartis Land. The 3D characters have dialogues based on concepts found within the policies.

    The learner needs to navigate through the dialogues where eventually decisions must be made. The learner selects the best available option. Once the dialogue is completed successfully, the learner encounters a quiz style game show. Here is where questions are presented and answered. Once all available buildings, dialogues and game shows are successfully completed, a certificate is issued. The program is designed and integrated to be tracked by Novartis’ existing LMS System. Tracking, scoring and successful completion data are passed to the LMS. Since Novartis has many different departments that need different policies emphasized, the employee chooses what group he belongs to before entering Novartis Land. Each group receives different dialogue and questions that are customized for them.

    e. Social Responsibility & Environment

    As part of their social responsibility, Novartis has been incredibly recognized for their accomplishments and new strategies in 2010. The Pharmaceutical started the year being recognized in The Scientist's 2010 ranking of the “Best Places to Work for Postdocs” — Horsham, UK, and Basel, Switzerland, as No. 1 and No. 5 in the international list, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, as No. 4 in the US list. That same year, Novartis went up in numbers to the top three pharmaceutical companies on Fortune’s list of the “World’s Most Admired Companies” for the sixth year. Moreover, Novartis Vaccines is nominated the Best Vaccine R%D Pipeline at the 2010 Vaccine Industry Excellence Awards. Furthermore, Diversity Inc ranks Novartis No. 7 in its Top 10 Companies for Global Diversity in 2010. In 2009, Novartis was No. 8 on this list. Likewise, the National Organization for Rare Disorders in the US honors Novartis their research on rare diseases. The Scientist ranks Novartis as one of the best places to work in industry. Novartis ranks no. 6 on the global list of Newsweek’s 2010 “Green Rankings.” For the first time this year, Newsweek expanded its “Green Rankings” to analyze the green score of the 100 biggest companies worldwide. Novartis retained the top spot in the 10th annual ranking by MedAdNews. “Most Admired Pharmaceutical Company”. Novartis received the 2010 Scrip Awards for Best Overall Pipeline and Corporate Social Responsibility.

    Future Projections of Novartis

    Novartis is looking forward to fully enter into the healthcare sector. By 2011, the pharmaceutical expects tocomplete a further 13 regulatory clinical development submissions with an additional nine planned for 2012. Moreover, the pharmaceutical is planning on premiering over 50 products within the next 5 years including Meningitis vaccines for infants and meningitis B vaccines. These vaccines will have a cost of $1 billion a year each. By 2015, Novartis pharmaceuticals specialty and oncology portfolio is expected to account for 75 percent of sales; outcomes-based commercial model expected to increase value for stakeholders.

    Novartis future strategy is to focus on innovation through Research and Development. To make this possible, Novartis has emphasized four main issues that they should address. First, they will work with the diverse healthcare portfolio on key healthcare growth sector. Second, they want to emphasize on productivity to generate profitability. Third, they will invest on innovation to achieve success. Finally, Novartis will develop businesses in China, Russia, Brazil and India.


    Novartis is an international pharmaceutical known for working in the development of medicines for infectious diseases. The pharmaceutical strategy through the years has highly focus on research and development. Most of their research is focused in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, malaria and meningitis research. One of the biggest project Novartis manages is the development of new vaccines like H1N1 that many individuals in the US got.

    Lately, Novartis is facing major challenges with FDA patents approvals and prices to lower the prices on medications. Novartis is starting to cut sales staff jobs budget to help boost research and development since two of their biggest patents will expire in the beginning of 2011. The pharmaceutical will cut 1,400 jobs out of the 6,449 employees totaling 22%. Novartis is expecting to lose their Diovan patent in January 2011.


    Throughout this paper, it has been recurrent the fact that Novartis keeps changing and growing in size, revenues and discoveries. It is very prominent that the success of Novartis comes from their research and development initiatives and the creation of new vaccines.

    From a manager perspective as it refers to communication and leadership, Novartis is mainly a bureaucratic system when it relates to the organization/ government relations. This is because they need to follow rules rigorously to ensure that the employees are following the procedures precisely. This type of ‘by the book’ communication style is often seen in the operations side of the industry where serious safety risks are involved. Likewise, bureaucracy is portrayed in the relationship of the industry and the government regulations. Another type of communication is tell or directive style between department managers and their employees to communicate the different tasks that must be done. Likewise, a selling style of communication can be derived from manager relationships with employees when they approach them to do certain tasks and explain the different regulations and the importance of following the rules.

    Novartis works mainly through an intrinsic motivational force where they get into the employees head to form a relationship. This theory comes from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to reach ones maximum potential and respecting other. Some of these intrinsic forces are listening, responsibility, involvement and keeping people informed. It is certain that all of these forces are present in the pharmaceutical world and in the way their employees get the work done.

    In conclusion, Novartis is based on the projects to develop and manufacture drugs for cancer and infectious diseases. Novartis has received many accomplishments through the years through research, development and measuring results. All of this has given the pharmaceutical a trustable and better reputation.


    Novartis should continue to expand globally as more development arises. The pharmaceutical should focus on implementing new emerging technologies as well as expand more their social media initiatives. The pharmaceutical should use social media platforms for marketing efforts to create awareness and understanding of their products and the medication functions. It is certain that more drugs discoveries will come along the way but by focusing on project management, Novartis can increase revenues and keep growing if they use social media in appropriate and effective ways. The competition between Novartis and La Roche relies in the tactics and initiatives they take in relation to how to market these drugs. Technology and social media are two powerful cost effective tools that companies are starting to use. With the big money investments in insurance, Novartis is taking this as an opportunity to cut on marketing and communication budgets.

    Novartis Organizational Structure

    Works Cited

    "Ethical Marketing Practices at Novartis." Novartis Corporate Citizenship. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. .

    "Novartis : Marketing and Advertising Profile at Adbrands.net." Adbrands.net: the Leading Advertising Agencies, Marketers and Brands Worldwide. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .

    "Novartis AG (NVS)." Wikinvest. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. .

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    "Novartis Unveils Long-Term Strategy To Grow In A Dynamically." Pharmaceutical Online:Sourcing for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .

    Seaman, By Marley. "Novartis Will Eliminate 1,400 US Sales Jobs - BusinessWeek." BusinessWeek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. .

    Sobology, Susan. “Project Management Supporting Early Projects: A Cultural Shift to Matrix Project Teams. Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Reasearch 6th Annual Project & Portfolio Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry. 29. Sept. 2010. Power Point Presentation

    "UPDATE 1-Novartis Efficiency Drive to Boost Profitability | Reuters." Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuters.com. 17 Nov. 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .

    Voris, Bob Van. "Novartis $152.5 Million Sex-Bias Settlement Approved - BusinessWeek." BusinessWeek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. .

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  8. A virtual organization “conduct business instead of having a brick and mortar place to work” (Hollingworth). The Business Dictionary defines it as not being legally defined and that is formed informally as an alliance of independent legal entities.(1) The ultimate goal of the virtual organization is to provide innovative, high-quality products or services instantaneously in response to customer demands. Ray Grenier and George Metes describe a virtual organization as: “these new virtual organizations consist of a hybrid of groups and individuals from different companies that might include customers, competitors, and suppliers who have a focused purpose of bringing a high-quality product or service to market as rapidly as possible. These alliances may be temporary with short concept-to-delivery cycles.” (Encyclopedia of Business) Virtual Organizations are characterized by the motivation of specific market opportunities, world-class core competence, information networks, interdependent relationships, and permeable boundaries. An example of a virtual organization is Corning, a glass and ceramics maker and Sun Microsystems. Some of the major issues that challenge virtual organizations are strategic planning dilemmas, boundary blurring, a loss of control, and a need for new managerial skills.

    On the other hand, Global Management is” the process of designing and processing strategies in international threats with interdependent countries and institutions.” (Hollingworth) Global Management is a trend that has been around for many years. To be a global manager, you need to obtain the appropriate permits to operate business in another country, secure the right to sell in other countries, compile with the rules and laws of the country, understand the employment laws of the country manage international taxes of importing and exporting, understand the culture and finally determine the advertising needs. To be able to work in a global atmosphere, you will need to have knowledge of a language, work experience in another country, understand the customs and have an advance degree in international business. Some of the trends are: disintegrating borders with technology cross borders trading and investments, new competitors, Internet, information technologies, production, expansion, standardization of government regulations and simplifications, mergers, acquisitions, requirements for global presence to be viable in the industry and worldwide manufacture and distribution.

    Works Cited

    Hollingworth, Professor. Lecture. Walker Building, Boston. 30 Nov. 2010.

    "Trends in Global Business." Global Business, Global Management. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .

    "Virtual Organization Definition." BusinessDictionary.com - Online Business Dictionary. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .

    "Virtual Organizations - Strategy, Organization, Levels, Examples, Advantages, Definition, Model, Company, Hierarchy, Business, New Demands Alter Organizational Forms, The New Business Form, Characteristics of a Virtual Organization." Reference For Business - Encyclopedia of Small Business, Business Biographies, Business Plans, and Encyclopedia of American Industries. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .

    "What Is Global Management?" Premier Online Directory of Degree Programs & Career Planning Articles and Videos from Top Colleges and Universities. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .

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  9. My experience at MGH has been enriching. I remember coming my first day as a little girl and without knowing what I was getting into. I was unaware of the diversity and all the different cultural backgrounds that could integrate in one classroom. Everybody had a different homeland and a different story of how they got to the United States. Diversity served as a way of discovering individual views and emotion related to societies that were interrelating to me. It was the connection between my job and my personal life.

    In two years I have grown as an individual and as a professional. This program has been a great learning experience and a way of giving back to my community. Since the beginning, I was well received among the teachers and the students. I have given much of my time to help the employees. Seeing them learn is something that gives me satisfaction. I have also learned a lot from them. I have learned about their culture, customs, struggles and work. Having the chance to interact with different backgrounds everyday has helped me grow as a human being as well as a member of my own culture. I have learned to appreciate and value my culture as well as many others I wasn’t aware of. They all seem to appreciate my help.

    The teachers have had different roles. They have served as supervisors, co-workers, teammates and mentors. Most importantly, they have guided me through the process of working to provide me with a great learning experience. They have been true believers in me and most of my achievements are thanks to them. They are tremendous individuals and friends that are committed to provide the best support to all of the fellow employees that are part of this program. I feel very grateful. Having the chance to work with them has been fulfilling and has prepared me for my future endeavors.


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  10. The Future of Management
    Managing business is a growing industry. Technology and time are two huge external factors that influence to what happens to the business. If the business is affected that means that management must change as well to fit the new business trends. In order to be a good manager one must be able to see these trends before hand, avoiding the challenge of being late on the new wave (Hollingworth).

    One main trend that is affecting businesses everywhere is the social media trend. Social media can be defined as “a catchall phrase for everything that the old media is not, and it is where the consumer-generated content rules” (Fernando 9). Social media is a toll that business can use to market itself. It is such a new portal of recognition that there is not much experience using it, causing it to be risky. Social media includes things such as blogs, youtube, pod casts, facebook and myspace (Fernando 9-10). If a business is not aware of this trend it could be harmful. Fernando believes that “the need to interact with customers and audiences in a truly social way is where much of our communication is headed” (10). Social media is primarily used in the marketing business, which is also currently hooked on another trend. Consumers have become blind to marketing since they have been around it for so long, they have developed “a wall” (Sullivan 5).

    As stated before, management and business environments are in a period of transformation and change. In the 19th century, the common trend was management by telling to focus on objectives and goals. Today, management is situational oriented based off consent and joint. In addition, there is a huge movement on mentoring programs and fast, heavy on results project management iniciatives. Furthermore, managers are focusing more on strategy, tactics and operations like social media to achieve short term results.

    Works Cited

    Fernando, Angelo. “Social Media Change the Rules.” Communication World. 24 (2007): 9-10.

    Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Emerson College Library, Boston.

    Hollingworth, Professor. Class Discussion. November 16,2010.

    Sullivan, Luke. Hey, Whipple Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Advertising. 3rd Ed.
    Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2008.

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